Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Tools For Marketing Your iPhone Apps

Here are the 5 must have the tools for marketing your iPhone applications Taken together, coordinated and effective, they can drive visibility for your iPhone app -. Visibility, which will enable users to discover how unique, fun, powerful and / or useful the iPhone app is.
  1. Creating a concise description of your iPhone applications, highlighting the strengths and uniqueness of your iPhone applications . Starting point for selling your application tells potential customers how great it is and why. A key to doing that successfully is able to clearly and effectively communicate the application and why it is worth taking a closer look at one or two sentences. Once you have a brief but effective description, you'll use it in many different forms to reach potential customers. 
  2. Setting up the web with your iPhone App . If you are one of the lucky few with the features of the application, the App Store is the place for buyers buy your app -. is not the market place for 2-3 pages, which contains a web link to your iPhone applications on the App Store provides a basic building block that you use to make your iPhone applications online presence.  
  3. Production of printing which effectively make your iPhone App . , You use a statement made ​​as the basis of extended (but still firm) a description of your product, check out the short but good tutorial on how to create a press release Make sure you answer the following questions ..: What to do? What is unique about it compared to competitors' applications? Where can readers get more information about this? Where can I buy a reader?
  4. Send your iPhone application review sites . Sites such as, and iphoneatlas. com invite iPhone developers to submit their applications for review and then send the reviews for one love. This is another position description you created in step 1 will come in handy. Assuming get literally tens or hundreds of parcels a day to make sure that you are one of those who pay attention to your description must be tight, professional and to the point. How do you choose which pages to apply? Google "iPhone application review" (and probably a variation of that) and send a brief description of the top ten places that appear in search results. Periodically repeat the search to make sure your request is featured at the top of the page view. 
  5. Viral marketing tie-in iPhone App is a key principle 1: .. The best sales force in the world. crowd with a highly satisfied customer is desperate to tell everyone they know about how big your iPhone applications result in KP1: Customers are more likely to tell everyone they know about how big your iPhone application is when it serves their own interests. , Translation: Find a way to give your customers an incentive to tell other people about your application and make it easy for them to make iPhone applications you can be more useful, powerful and fun when it is connected to one or more users. the same application? Can it be easier for your satisfied customers tell other people about their iPhone applications?

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